I'm Dave Neill, 76 years old and live in St Cyrus, Aberdeenshire. If your aims for an Independent Scotland are the same as mine, please vote for Dave Neill as Member of Parliament at the November election.

Help the oldies. Remember we have 21% of the Scottish vote.

Independence is dependent on us!

Do not believe the papers when they say we would not get our pension if/when we leave the UK.

Go for a better future and think of our children, grandchildren and great grandchildren.

An Independent Scotland can  be affiliated with the EU or greater Europe.

Brexit - Sc-Exit.

An Independent Scotland affiliated with the EU or greater Europe.

Freedom of movement around Europe. Not 90 days and then away for 90 days. The Norwegian model is best. 

As a country we will be better off. Like Norway.

Nationalise the electricity supply, rail and bus services. 

Free BBC or SBC (No television licence).

Reduce Council Tax for Oldies

When your partner dies, you have to pay 75% councils rates. Poll tax great. The house is rated as a two people lived in it. Why? A house with 4 or 5 people pay same council tax as two. More rubbish. More water usage. More cars for road usage. Road are primary the responsibility of the council. This should be paid for out of road tax. Not the Council. Tractor should pay road tax direct to local council. Road tax to local government or Scottish Government not?

Reduce Council tax for oldies mine is £142 per month state pension £682.84 per month. 142/682.84 = 20.8%  a 1/5 of my state pension.

At Independence for Scotland for Oldies, we are dedicated to advocating for the rights and benefits of older citizens in our community. We believe in the importance of financial independence for our older population and strive to create a better future for all. Explore our Pensions page to learn more about our vision and how you can get involved.

  • Scottish National Service, not to be (ab)used by the private sector in any way.
  • Private medicine and private hospitals. No state hospitals.
  • We give 52% of our taxes to U.K.
  • We live on 48% of the taxes collected in Scotland.

To get more cycle paths and electric bikes. Wheel chair friendly paths.

To cover cycle paths an pavements with solar panels to feed into the grid and charge bikes free and wheel chairs.

Better covered pavements with covered seats. as they have outside Edinburgh airport, but with solar panels instead.

Free Better bus services using electric buses. railway passes. Electric trains like Holland. Windmills.

To get respect from the media.

Encourage working; do not rely on the State. l have met three women this year who live on state benefits because they get more than for a basic work week. Increase the level at which you pay taxes or make working more profitable. Stop over seas accounts for the rich.

A second chamber in Scotland could be a member from each council. But internet only NO physical chamber.

On major issues ask the nation. Real democracy. A bit like come dancing.

We have tourism, fishing, whisky and electronics industry, With lots of Farms, we produce seed tatties for Europe and African countries. Most inventive nations, tarmac roads, TV, mathematics, Telephone communication … the list goes on.

Electronics, medicine, radar,

Support Scotland independence, or die under the English government with the poorest pension in developed Europe.

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